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BioPipeline Live 

BioPipeline Live_green_3cac538b21a254209ea06cf584646f29 copy 580x580
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The perfect platform for live sample high content.  We chose our inverted microscope platform for high content imaging because it was the most flexible: the largest selection of objective lenses, detectors, modalities and applications available to apply to high content acquisition and analysis.  With confocal modalities, 3-dimensional high content at the highest resolution can be…

The perfect platform for live sample high content. 

We chose our inverted microscope platform for high content imaging because it was the most flexible: the largest selection of objective lenses, detectors, modalities and applications available to apply to high content acquisition and analysis. 

With confocal modalities, 3-dimensional high content at the highest resolution can be acquired. And with space for 44 well plates, multiple users can take advantage of time-resolved live imaging applications.


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