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dimension icon atomic force microscope bruker copy 580x580
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Bruker’s Dimension Icon® brings the highest levels of performance, functionality, and AFM accessibility to nanoscale researchers in science and industry. Building upon the world’s most utilized large-sample AFM platform, it is the culmination of decades of technological innovation, customer feedback, and industry-leading application flexibility. The system has been designed from top to bottom to deliver…

Bruker’s Dimension Icon® brings the highest levels of performance, functionality, and AFM accessibility to nanoscale researchers in science and industry. Building upon the world’s most utilized large-sample AFM platform, it is the culmination of decades of technological innovation, customer feedback, and industry-leading application flexibility.

The system has been designed from top to bottom to deliver the revolutionary low drift and low noise that allows users to achieve artifact-free images in minutes instead of hours. With a growing catalog of hardware and software extensions, this unmatched performance is accessible to researchers across the broadest range of applications, supporting even the most advanced and innovative research goals. 


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