Bruker’s Dimension XR scanning probe microscope (SPM) systems incorporate decades of research and technological innovation. With routine atomic defect resolution, and a host of unique technologies including PeakForce Tapping®, DataCube modes, SECM and AFM-nDMA, they deliver the utmost performance and capability. The Dimension XR family of SPMs package these technologies into turnkey solutions to address…
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Bruker’s Dimension XR scanning probe microscope (SPM) systems incorporate decades of research and technological innovation. With routine atomic defect resolution, and a host of unique technologies including PeakForce Tapping®, DataCube modes, SECM and AFM-nDMA, they deliver the utmost performance and capability. The Dimension XR family of SPMs package these technologies into turnkey solutions to address nanomechanical, nanoelectrical, and electrochemical applications. Quantification of materials and active nanoscale systems in air, fluid, electrical, or chemically reactive environments has never been easier.
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