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The D8 ADVANCE Plus is a D8 ADVANCE variant representing the ultimate X-ray platform for multi-purpose, multi-user laboratories. The system perfectly matches the needs of all sample types including powders, bulk materials, fibers, sheets and thin-films (amorphous, polycrystalline and epitaxial):  Traditional X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)  Pair Distribution Function (PDF)analysis  Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering…

The D8 ADVANCE Plus is a D8 ADVANCE variant representing the ultimate X-ray platform for multi-purpose, multi-user laboratories. The system perfectly matches the needs of all sample types including powders, bulk materials, fibers, sheets and thin-films (amorphous, polycrystalline and epitaxial): 

  • Traditional X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) 
  • Pair Distribution Function (PDF)analysis 
  • Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS, WAXS) 
  • XRR (reflectometry) and HRXRD (rocking curves, reciprocal space mapping) at ambient and non-ambient conditions. 

The real beauty of the system is its ability to switch between up to 6 different beam geometries, from focusing Bragg-Brentano geometry for powders to high-resolution parallel-beam Kα1 geometry for epitaxial thin films and everything in-between. Fully software controlled, at the push of a button. 

Whatever the sample type and application is, and no matter if you are a novice or an expert user: The D8 ADVANCE Plus sets a new benchmark in data quality thanks to its unparalleled flexibility and easy-of-use. 


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